Keep Going

I needed these videos this morning. I hope that these also bring you hope.

What are these videos about?
What are the messages?
What quotes or images stood out to you?
Why do you think I chose to include both of these?
Why is it important to never give up and embrace the positives in each day?

This entry was posted on October 6, 2021. 1 Comment

Anything is Possible

As grade 7/8’s you have been participating in Terry Fox for many years. Now as teens, in a class where we are looking at inspirational videos.

What were some of the things/facts in this video you didn’t know or that stood out for you?
What are some of the messages in this video?
How did this video make you feel?
What are some of the thoughts you have about Terry Fox as an 18 year old?
Do you have any other final thoughts on this?

Make an Impact

What was the message of this video?
What were some things that stood out? Images, Words?
How do you want to be remembered?
When people are talking about you NOW, what do you hope or want them to be saying about you?
What can you do to be the best version of yourself?

This entry was posted on September 28, 2021. 1 Comment

Believe in Yourself

What is the message in this video?
What stood out, words, images?
Why is this important?
Who do you want to be?
What can you do in your own life to start living your best life? To start believing in yourself?

This entry was posted on September 27, 2021. 1 Comment

Say Thank You

What was the message of this video?

Was there something specific that stood out as an image or phrase?

What are you thankful for?
Like, REALLY thankful for?
We are blessed, write a paragraph about the things you are grateful for.


What was this video about?
What can we learn from this video?
What was one message you took from this video, one sentence or image?
What are some things you can do in your life to be better? Or continue doing to be amazing?
Why is it important to be kind, even if you don’t like someone?
Any other thoughts?

This entry was posted on September 22, 2021. 4 Comments